John Henry Hingson III
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John Henry Hingson III is listed in The Best Lawyers in America with specialties in DUII defense, white collar criminal defense, blue collar criminal defense, and administrative law. A past president of the National Association of Criminal Defense lawyers (1993-94), John Henry has been practicing in Oregon City since 1971. He has tried murder, rape, assault, cattle rustling, and narcotics cases, but is best known for his defense of the citizen accused of drunk driving.

He is regarded as "The Dean of DUII Defense" in Oregon. He was asked to write a book by a New York legal publishing company and authored "How to Defend a Drunk Driving Case" (5th ed Clark Boardman 1990). Learn more in what other nationally known criminal defense lawyers have to say about his book. John Henry and a group of his colleagues founded the National College for Drunk Driving Defense, and lectured at its first four day program at Harvard Law School in 1998.

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