Select Lawyers is a listing of outstanding professionals from more than 30 legal specialties who have attained a high degree of peer recognition for their achievements. The lawyers who are listed on our website's directory and published in our regional lifestyle publications, were nominated by their peers in an extensive survey process. Our mission is to provide consumers like you with the best professionals for legal services.
Our Select Lawyers directory is a listing of outstanding, peer-nominated, professionals from more than 30 legal specialties. We cover over 30 legal specialties so whether you need a personal injury or family lawyer, you'll find someone you can trust on our list. We survey thousands of legal professionals asking them to identify excellent lawyers in every specialty in their region.
Our Select Lawyers directory is a listing of outstanding, peer-nominated, professionals from more than 30 legal specialties. We cover over 30 legal specialties so whether you need a personal injury or family lawyer, you'll find someone you can trust on our list. We survey thousands of legal professionals asking them to identify excellent lawyers in every specialty in their region.
Our lists are based on peer nominations and not on hype, advertising, or third parties that have something to gain by recommending a particular provider.
Select Lawyers are selected as a result of a peer survey on which regional lawyers are asked "If you had to refer a family member or friend to another lawyer for legal advice, who among your colleagues would you recommend?"
Our intensive research methodology is designed to identify lawyers that represent their clients with undivided loyalty, keep their clients' confidences, and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Select Lawyers are selected as a result of a peer survey on which regional lawyers are asked "If you had to refer a family member or friend to another lawyer for legal advice, who among your colleagues would you recommend?"
Our intensive research methodology is designed to identify lawyers that represent their clients with undivided loyalty, keep their clients' confidences, and achieve the best possible outcomes.
In this first step of our multi-phase selection process, legal professionals are invited to nominate the top attorneys in their area.
The surveys are conducted by an independent market research firm in Harrisburg, FieldGoals.
Our formal nomination page is designed to accept nominations only from legal professionals within your area.
We perform a new round of balloting and review each year, so the list undergoes some degree of change from year to year.
Being listed one year does not guarantee that you will be published the following year.
The surveys are conducted by an independent market research firm in Harrisburg, FieldGoals.
Our formal nomination page is designed to accept nominations only from legal professionals within your area.
We perform a new round of balloting and review each year, so the list undergoes some degree of change from year to year.
Being listed one year does not guarantee that you will be published the following year.
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