Mass. RMV Lawyers
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Hire a lawyer to appeal the suspension or revocation of your Massachusetts Driver's License. Whether your license was suspended or revoked for DUI, being a Habitual Traffic Offender, a chemical test refusal, an out of state conviction, ignition interlock violation, or license fraud, you have the right to appeal the adverse action and you have the legal right to be represented by counsel.

If the Registry of Motor Vehicles refuses to reinstate your driver's license or grant you a hardship license, you have the right to appear before the Division of Insurance Board of Appeal. This agency has the legal authority to reverse the Registry's decision and order the issuance of a driver's license. Attorney Brian Simoneau has extensive experience with these appeals and an impressive track record.

There has been a significant increase in indefinite immediate threat revocations and the Registry is often hesitant or unwilling to grant reinstatements, especially in cases involving drugs or alcohol. Fortunately, those who have lost their licenses due to immediate threat revocations can retain legal counsel and appeal on legal grounds.
If you were arrested for Operating Under the Influence of Liquor (OUI) which is also known as "drunk driving, " driving while intoxicated (DWI), or Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Contact a lawyer immediately.
You must fight to save your license from potentially lengthy suspensions and a MA DUI Suspension Lawyer can help you do that.
You only have 15 days to appeal some suspensions, so time is of the essence in MA DUI cases.
As a result of harsh Massachusetts drunk driving laws, a person convicted on a first offense for a Massachusetts DUI may now face a maximum two-and-a-half year jail term, $5,000 fine, and one-year loss of his or her license.
Drunk driving, which is more formally known as operating under the influence, is not the minor motor vehicle offense it once was.
Penalties and license suspensions have steadily increased over the years, so that a DUI conviction can have major consequences.
The latest revision to the Massachusetts Drunk Driving Law was enacted by the passage of Melanie's Law.
This legislation substantially increases the penalties for DUI and breathalyzer refusals by eliminating the 10 year DUI lookback period, increasing the length of breathalyzer refusal suspensions, requiring ignition interlock devices for repeat offenders, and making prior DUI convictions easier to prove.
If you have been arrested for OUI in Massachusetts, and a police officer has requested that you take a breathalyzer test, blood test, or chemical breath test, you have the right to refuse to take the test and the refusal cannot be used as evidence against you at a DUI trial.
The jury hearing your drunk driving case will not be allowed to hear that you refused to submit to the breathalyzer.
However, under Melanie's Law, refusing the breathalyzer will result in a suspension of your driver's license or right to operate for a period of at least 6 months, up to lifetime, depending on the number of prior DUI offenses.
In a Massachusetts DUI trial, evidence that the person accused of operating under the influence of alcohol refused to submit to a breathalyzer or blood test is completely inadmissible.
This means that a jury is not allowed to hear breathalyzer refusal evidence and the Assistant District Attorney who is prosecuting the case will proactively inform the police witnesses that they are not to mention the refusal, as it may cause a mistrial.
The rationale for excluding breathalyzer refusals in Massachusetts criminal trials is that admitting such evidence violates the privilege against self-incrimination under Article 12 of the Declaration of Rights the Massachusetts State Constitution.
If you are over the age of 21 and you refuse a breathalyzer in Massachusetts, your license will be suspended for at least 180 days and up to life.
If you are under 21 years old and you refuse a Massachusetts breath test, your license will be suspended for at least 3 years and up to life, plus you will face an additional period of suspension of at least 180 days up to 1 year pursuant to G.L. c. 90 § 24P.
Massachusetts Breathalyzer refusal suspensions go into effect immediately upon the person's refusal to submit to the chemical test.
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