Kevin M. Schork has devot-ed his entire legal career sole-ly to the area of crim-i-nal defense. Whether you are being inves-ti-gat-ed or have been arrest-ed on fed-er-al or state charges, the expe-ri-ence of Kevin M. Schork and the legal team he has assem-bled will help. At the Law Offices of Kevin M. Schork we are pre-pared to aggres-sive-ly rep-re-sent your inter-ests and defend you on all types of crim-i-nal charges, includ-ing the fol-low-ing.
The state of Vir-ginia has very severe penal-ties for crim-i-nal offens-es. It is crit-i-cal to have a skilled crim-i-nal defense lawyer fight-ing for your side. Whether your case is a vio-lent crim-i-nal offense or you need a DUI attor-ney in Rich-mond, legal rep-re-sen-ta-tion that will fight for your free-dom is strong-ly urged when deal-ing with the Vir-ginia court sys-tem.
From Rich-mond to Hamp-ton Roads and Char-lottesville, Kevin M. Schork is the lawyer who makes your case his pri-or-i-ty. With a care-ful review and eval-u-a-tion of the details of your case, his legal team will deter-mine how best to move for-ward to defend you in court.
The state of Vir-ginia has very severe penal-ties for crim-i-nal offens-es. It is crit-i-cal to have a skilled crim-i-nal defense lawyer fight-ing for your side. Whether your case is a vio-lent crim-i-nal offense or you need a DUI attor-ney in Rich-mond, legal rep-re-sen-ta-tion that will fight for your free-dom is strong-ly urged when deal-ing with the Vir-ginia court sys-tem.
From Rich-mond to Hamp-ton Roads and Char-lottesville, Kevin M. Schork is the lawyer who makes your case his pri-or-i-ty. With a care-ful review and eval-u-a-tion of the details of your case, his legal team will deter-mine how best to move for-ward to defend you in court.
Kevin M. Schork has over 25 years of rep-re-sent-ing clients through-out Vir-ginia in both state and fed-er-al courts.
The Law Offices of Kevin M. Schork are locat-ed in Rich-mond and the sur-round-ing Coun-ty of Chesterfield.
From Hamp-ton Roads to Char-lottesville and every Coun-ty in between Kevin M. Schork and his team have the expe-ri-ence and track record to secure a suc-cess-ful result to your case.
So, if you are a world-class ath-lete or just an every-day indi-vid-ual just look-ing to sur-vive please con-tact Kevin M. Schork for a free ini-tial con-sul-ta-tion.
The Law Offices of Kevin M. Schork are locat-ed in Rich-mond and the sur-round-ing Coun-ty of Chesterfield.
From Hamp-ton Roads to Char-lottesville and every Coun-ty in between Kevin M. Schork and his team have the expe-ri-ence and track record to secure a suc-cess-ful result to your case.
So, if you are a world-class ath-lete or just an every-day indi-vid-ual just look-ing to sur-vive please con-tact Kevin M. Schork for a free ini-tial con-sul-ta-tion.
Your free-dom and future are much too impor-tant to trust to a less-expe-ri-enced lawyer.
Crim-i-nal Defense Attor-ney Kevin M. Schork has more than 20 years of expe-ri-ence defend-ing those accused of com-mit-ting crimes.
Unlike some less scrupu-lous attor-neys, once he accepts you as a client, he ded-i-cates his time and resources to obtain-ing an acquit-tal or dis-missal of charges.
Where that is not pos-si-ble, he will make every effort to obtain a favor-able plea agree-ment.
At the crim-i-nal defense law office of Kevin M. Schork, you will get aggres-sive defense for seri-ous state or fed-er-al charges.
Crim-i-nal Defense Attor-ney Kevin M. Schork has more than 20 years of expe-ri-ence defend-ing those accused of com-mit-ting crimes.
Unlike some less scrupu-lous attor-neys, once he accepts you as a client, he ded-i-cates his time and resources to obtain-ing an acquit-tal or dis-missal of charges.
Where that is not pos-si-ble, he will make every effort to obtain a favor-able plea agree-ment.
At the crim-i-nal defense law office of Kevin M. Schork, you will get aggres-sive defense for seri-ous state or fed-er-al charges.
Jury finds client not guilty of First- Degree Mur-der, Use of a Firearm and Break-ing and Enter-ing.
The information on the Kevin Schork, PC website is for general information purposes only.
Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation.
This information on this website is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing of this information does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
The information on the Kevin Schork, PC website is for general information purposes only.
Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation.
This information on this website is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing of this information does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
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