If you are deeply in debt, chances are you spend a great deal of time and effort simply trying to keep your head above water and attempting to cover up just how serious your financial situation is. A fresh financial start could make a world of difference to you, your family, or your business-practically and emotionally. In McDonough and Macon, debit relief law firm Sampson-Roberts & Associates has the experience, knowledge, and compassion to help you put your debt behind you for good and move forward with your life.
Is your debt situation urgent? We offer same-day consultations and same-day bankruptcy filing to help our clients throughout the South Atlanta area seek the protections of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. With nearly 20 years of experience, the Sampson-Roberts & Associates bankruptcy law firm, with offices in Macon and McDonough, is well-equipped to help you determine whether bankruptcy or tax relief is right for you.
Bankruptcy can stop the threat of foreclosure repossession and wage garnishment hanging over your head.
Is your debt situation urgent? We offer same-day consultations and same-day bankruptcy filing to help our clients throughout the South Atlanta area seek the protections of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. With nearly 20 years of experience, the Sampson-Roberts & Associates bankruptcy law firm, with offices in Macon and McDonough, is well-equipped to help you determine whether bankruptcy or tax relief is right for you.
Bankruptcy can stop the threat of foreclosure repossession and wage garnishment hanging over your head.
Lisa Sampson-Roberts, a compassionate and knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney in Macon and McDonough, Georgia.
Lisa Sampson-Roberts is the principal owner of Sampson-Roberts & Associates and practices exclusively in tax law and bankruptcy law throughout Georgia and Florida.
She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in criminal justice and received her J.D. from Stetson University Law School.
In 1997, Sampson-Roberts began her law career as a partner with Roberts & McIntosh in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Lisa Sampson-Roberts is the principal owner of Sampson-Roberts & Associates and practices exclusively in tax law and bankruptcy law throughout Georgia and Florida.
She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in criminal justice and received her J.D. from Stetson University Law School.
In 1997, Sampson-Roberts began her law career as a partner with Roberts & McIntosh in St. Petersburg, Florida.
In this tough economy, many people are struggling through no fault of their own.
Job loss, medical problems, divorce, or any number of unforeseen difficulties can lead to unmanageable debt.
In McDonough and Macon, bankruptcy lawyer Lisa Sampson-Roberts has the knowledge and experience to help you get a fresh financial start through bankruptcy for yourself, your family, or your small business.
Bankruptcy is not right for everyone.
The best way to determine your own best option is to work closely with reputable bankruptcy lawyers.
Job loss, medical problems, divorce, or any number of unforeseen difficulties can lead to unmanageable debt.
In McDonough and Macon, bankruptcy lawyer Lisa Sampson-Roberts has the knowledge and experience to help you get a fresh financial start through bankruptcy for yourself, your family, or your small business.
Bankruptcy is not right for everyone.
The best way to determine your own best option is to work closely with reputable bankruptcy lawyers.
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