People with massive amounts of debt can often feel trapped. Too often, they assume that the harassing phone calls from debt collectors are something they will have to hide from every day until they can find the better job, win the lottery, or utilize some sort of debt resolution option like bankruptcy, debt defense, or credit repair. If you have substantial credit issues or you are facing foreclosure, you should be sure to know all of your legal options.
Pontello & Bressler, LLC helps clients in and around St. Charles County find the most favorable resolution to their financial dilemmas. Our firm files bankruptcies and can help stop foreclosure, wage garnishments, and harassing phone calls from debt collectors. For people who are behind on mortgage payments, credit card bills, or other types of debt, it is important to understand that you still have several legal rights that protect you from aggressive debt collection tactics and credit reporting errors.
Pontello & Bressler, LLC represents consumers in cases involving violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act, and Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Pontello & Bressler, LLC helps clients in and around St. Charles County find the most favorable resolution to their financial dilemmas. Our firm files bankruptcies and can help stop foreclosure, wage garnishments, and harassing phone calls from debt collectors. For people who are behind on mortgage payments, credit card bills, or other types of debt, it is important to understand that you still have several legal rights that protect you from aggressive debt collection tactics and credit reporting errors.
Pontello & Bressler, LLC represents consumers in cases involving violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act, and Fair Credit Reporting Act.
I live, work, and play in St. Charles County Missouri.
My days are filled with helping my friends and neighbors in the community with their tough financial and legal situations.
My evenings and weekends are filled with playtime, family dinners, and.
Location: Saint Charles, Missouri Phone: (636) 896-4170 Fax: (636) 246-0141 Email: Email Me I am a dedicated advocate for my client's legal rights and financial affairs.
My goal is to effectively achieve the desired outcome for my client while guiding them through the legal process as their trusted counselor.
My days are filled with helping my friends and neighbors in the community with their tough financial and legal situations.
My evenings and weekends are filled with playtime, family dinners, and.
Location: Saint Charles, Missouri Phone: (636) 896-4170 Fax: (636) 246-0141 Email: Email Me I am a dedicated advocate for my client's legal rights and financial affairs.
My goal is to effectively achieve the desired outcome for my client while guiding them through the legal process as their trusted counselor.
Circumstances beyond a person's control can often lead to tremendous financial difficulties.
Consumers can find themselves suddenly struggling to pay bills as debt continues to mount.
The good news is that people have legal rights to eliminate much of their debt as part of the bankruptcy process.
This procedure can be extraordinarily complicated in regards.
Reclaiming Your Life After A Personal Injury An injury caused by someone else's negligence has a ripple effect - it rarely impacts just one area of your life.
Consumers can find themselves suddenly struggling to pay bills as debt continues to mount.
The good news is that people have legal rights to eliminate much of their debt as part of the bankruptcy process.
This procedure can be extraordinarily complicated in regards.
Reclaiming Your Life After A Personal Injury An injury caused by someone else's negligence has a ripple effect - it rarely impacts just one area of your life.
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