Peyton & Associates PMB-110
Law Mexico is a Mexican law firm specialized in Mexican real estate and business transactions, as well as probate or succession for foreigners with interests in Mexico. We also provide our clients with bilingual lawyers who can advise on civil and business litigation as well as expert witness support for litigation in the United States. Our lawyers have lived and been educated in both the United States and Mexico, making them bicultural as well as bilingual.

We are proud that some of our members are among the handful of Americans licensed to practice law in Mexico. It is our endeavor to offer our clients both the sophistication and professional expertise they are accustomed to in the United States, while maintaining a level of personal attention and cost efficiency that is often ignored by other law firms.

Call now for a free no obligation consultation: 1-800-529-6394 (1-800-lawmexico).
The firm's practice includes all aspects of Mexican law and international law while specializing in Mexican real estate and corporate law in its various forms of foreign investment in Mexico, in addition to civil litigation and probate in Mexico.
In 1988, Mr. Peyton opened the Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico office.
The initial purpose was to work with and establish maquiladoras (offshore production plants) in the border region.
While continuing the firm's services to maquiladoras, throughout the 1990's and into the 2000's Mr. Peyton became heavily involved in litigation and real estate transactions in Mexico as well as business set ups for Americans doing business in Mexico.
Negotiating the Tricky Real Estate Market Published in Business Mexico magazine.
It addresses some of the legal aspects surrounding real estate acquisitions by foreigners in Mexico including Mexican real estate inside and outside the restricted zone.
California Lawyer Punta Banda Article Published in California Lawyer magazine under the Title Evicted!
Mexican Courts Took Away the Homes of U.S. Citizens.
Can NAFTA Get Then Back?
Mr. Peyton agreed to represent over 200 American homeowners in Mexico in this landmark and first of its kind case.
Dennis Peyton wrote this handbook in plain English to help foreign condo owners understand their rights and obligations when owning a condominium in the beautiful state of Baja California Sur.
Foreign condo owners all over Mexico always have had the same complaint: "I don't know where to get information about my legal rights in Mexico."
That is no longer the case.
This is the first in a series of books I am in the process of publishing regarding the rights of condo owners in Mexico.
More often than not, it isn't the case that condo owners don't have the rights to take charge of their property, rather, they simple have no way of investigating the law since there is very little in English.
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