Cochran Uhlman Abney Duck
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Cochran Uhlman Abney Duck
A car accident attorney will attest that when you are in a car accident, the emotions that hit you can be overwhelming. After taking a deep breath, typically the first course of action is to check and see if you or any passengers in the car are injured. Depending on the type of accident, most of the time we walk away unscathed. We then proceed to check and assess the damages to our car and other property.

But what happens if you are injured in the accident or worse, develop an injury that takes a few days to manifest? In Memphis, over the past 10 years, there have been 72,749 car accidents that have led to an injury. The first step after an accident is to make sure you get medical attention immediately, regardless of whether you've been injured or your injuries appear over time.

During the recovery process is the best time to contact a car accident attorney so they can help you get the compensation and justice that you deserve. There's a one-year statute of limitations for all personal injury lawsuits, so contact an attorney swiftly after you seek medical attention.
We are a law firm located in the heart of Memphis dedicated to fighting for the rights of victims who have suffered an injury at the hands of someone being reckless, careless and/or negligent.
While Memphis, TN is a major tourist attraction, we care about its citizens and want to make sure that each and every one of our clients gets the personalized attention they deserve.
When you are injured you do not need the stress of handling a lawsuit on your shoulders, our dedicated personal injury attorneys will be by your side handling every aspect of the case so you can focus on resting and recovering.
With nearly 1.5 million people in the greater Memphis area, and many of them on the roads as motorists, pedestrians, or bicyclists, there is a lot of danger on the roadways.
The risk of an accident, or at least the chance of one, is pretty high in Memphis and many major U.S. cities.
Not only is the chance of an accident high, but the chances of serious injury or death from a car accident in Memphis is pretty high as well - regardless of the type of accident.
Don't think the risk applies only to major car accidents, it applies to even mere "fender benders" as well.
Car accidents are just that, for the most part - accidents.
If a driver follows the rules of the road, accidents don't just happen.
There is usually a mistake that is made, whether conscious or unconscious, that causes an accident - from a minor "fender-bender" to a crash that involves multiple deaths and injuries.
While you may be an injured party in an auto accident, and there is a need to hire a quality auto accident personal injury attorney to defend your rights, it is important to know that no two accidents are the same, and very few accidents are simple to deconstruct.
Car accidents can be emotional as well as physically and mentally devastating to a person involved in an incident, and to any family or loved ones of a victim.
And while all car accidents can be treated "the same, " the truth is that not all accidents are the same - even two of the same type of auto accident will be different in sometimes significant ways including the severity of the injuries sustained.
There are four main types of auto accidents that lead to significant injuries, however, it should be noted that even the smallest of fender benders can lead to injury.
Take an auto accident, for instance.
The rules and laws of physics tell us that auto accidents of any kind can do some damage to the human body, as human flesh is more pliable and not as strong as the metal of the automobile.
When a car is traveling at a certain speed, the force imposed on objects or other cars goes up by an exponential number based on the increase of speeds.
For example, if a car hits a parked car or a wall at 25 miles per hour, it will exert a certain amount of force on the wall and back against the car and all human bodies in the car.
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