If you or someone you care about, has been charged with a crime, protect your rights and your future by retaining and working with the most experienced criminal defense attorney. Don't let a prosecutor ruin your life only so they can meet their quotas. Start defending yourself as soon as possible. It is a well-known fact, prosecutors are trained and encouraged to convert as many criminal charges into criminal convictions.
A criminal conviction can ruin reputations, ruin lives, ruin families, and ruin chances of a successful future. It is also a well-known fact, people have a much lower likelihood of being convicted when they start working with a criminal defense attorney as early in the process as possible. If you are charged by the police for a crime, contact Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorney Jevon Jaconi as soon as you can!
Wisconsin carries very severe punishments for DUI and related alcohol and drug related charges. DUI charges can be difficult to dismiss, but Attorney Jaconi has many strategies that can significantly lower penalties for DUI charges.
A criminal conviction can ruin reputations, ruin lives, ruin families, and ruin chances of a successful future. It is also a well-known fact, people have a much lower likelihood of being convicted when they start working with a criminal defense attorney as early in the process as possible. If you are charged by the police for a crime, contact Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorney Jevon Jaconi as soon as you can!
Wisconsin carries very severe punishments for DUI and related alcohol and drug related charges. DUI charges can be difficult to dismiss, but Attorney Jaconi has many strategies that can significantly lower penalties for DUI charges.
Every criminal case is different.
After thousands of convictions, prosecutors have developed effective strategies that lead to repeat convictions.
Even against people who didn't break the law!
Attorney Jevon Jaconi knows these strategies very well.
As a former prosecutor in Kewaunee county, Attorney Jaconi employed the same strategies.
Now as a criminal defense attorney, Mr. Jaconi has very effective strategies to defeat prosecutor's arguments.
Only a former prosecutor knows how to use these strategies effectively.
After thousands of convictions, prosecutors have developed effective strategies that lead to repeat convictions.
Even against people who didn't break the law!
Attorney Jevon Jaconi knows these strategies very well.
As a former prosecutor in Kewaunee county, Attorney Jaconi employed the same strategies.
Now as a criminal defense attorney, Mr. Jaconi has very effective strategies to defeat prosecutor's arguments.
Only a former prosecutor knows how to use these strategies effectively.
In Wisconsin, as in many states, Burglary is a serious crime.
If you or people you care about have been charged with Burglary, you need to contact Burglary Expert Attorney Jevon Jaconi.
Class A misdemeanor, punishable by: a fine of $10,000 and possibly imprisonment of 9 months.
Class F felony, punishable by: a fine of $25,000 and/or imprisonment of 12 years and 6 months.
To be convicted of a burglary, prosecution must prove many variables involved in the charge.
However, often prosecutor don't need to prove anything.
If you or people you care about have been charged with Burglary, you need to contact Burglary Expert Attorney Jevon Jaconi.
Class A misdemeanor, punishable by: a fine of $10,000 and possibly imprisonment of 9 months.
Class F felony, punishable by: a fine of $25,000 and/or imprisonment of 12 years and 6 months.
To be convicted of a burglary, prosecution must prove many variables involved in the charge.
However, often prosecutor don't need to prove anything.
Wisconsin treats accusations and charges of Domestic Violence very seriously.
It is not uncommon for the prosecution to change a charge of a minor disturbance into a criminal conviction that will result in time behind bars, huge fines, and years on probation.
Furthermore, in Wisconsin, even the first charge of Domestic Violence can carry severe punishments.
Do not expect for the prosecutor to treat you any less harshly if the alleged victim states that no violence took place.
The best thing you can do, is to immediately hire an experienced Domestic Violence Defense Attorney who understands this unfair discrimination by police and criminal prosecutors.
It is not uncommon for the prosecution to change a charge of a minor disturbance into a criminal conviction that will result in time behind bars, huge fines, and years on probation.
Furthermore, in Wisconsin, even the first charge of Domestic Violence can carry severe punishments.
Do not expect for the prosecutor to treat you any less harshly if the alleged victim states that no violence took place.
The best thing you can do, is to immediately hire an experienced Domestic Violence Defense Attorney who understands this unfair discrimination by police and criminal prosecutors.
Drunk Driving offenses are the most common offenses in Wisconsin.
On top of that Green Bay and surrounding area is "The heaviest drinking metro area in the heaviest drinking state".
Honestly, most experienced and connected attorneys will tell you how incredibly difficult it is to beat drunk driving charges.
Persecution has very little to do in order to prove a drunk driving conviction.
However, difficult does not mean impossible.
OWI Defense Attorney Jevon Jaconi has a proven track record of effectively defending his clients in OWI charges.
On top of that Green Bay and surrounding area is "The heaviest drinking metro area in the heaviest drinking state".
Honestly, most experienced and connected attorneys will tell you how incredibly difficult it is to beat drunk driving charges.
Persecution has very little to do in order to prove a drunk driving conviction.
However, difficult does not mean impossible.
OWI Defense Attorney Jevon Jaconi has a proven track record of effectively defending his clients in OWI charges.
Sometimes, officers use "resisting arrest" as a catchall for any behavior that makes an investigation or arrest more difficult.
It may be hard to believe that responding slowly, or reluctantly to an officer's general commands could lead to a charge of resisting arrest.
But it's true, sometimes an arrest doesn't need to be in progress for a charge of resisting arrest.
That doesn't mean that an officer may interpret any situation where you're not doing exactly what you're being told to do right at that instant as "resisting arrest."
It may be hard to believe that responding slowly, or reluctantly to an officer's general commands could lead to a charge of resisting arrest.
But it's true, sometimes an arrest doesn't need to be in progress for a charge of resisting arrest.
That doesn't mean that an officer may interpret any situation where you're not doing exactly what you're being told to do right at that instant as "resisting arrest."
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