Sharp Lawrence Atty

Sharp Lawrence Atty

Sharp Lawrence Atty
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This law firm, which was founded in 1982, does personal injury claims as well as criminal defense, traffic tickets, and other legal matters. We take care of our hurting clients, in auto accident cases, and other personal injury claims. Since we are a small firm we can keep our clients informed. And we try to get the most that you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Call us at 214-742-1007. Este bufete, se funda 1982, hace demandas de lesiones personales como tambien defenso criminal, multas de trafico, y otra situanciones legales. Cuidanos nuestros clients que duelen (en demandas de lesiones personales) siempre providemos informacion y tratamos obtener el mas cantidad que merice. Llamanos al 214/742-1007. Tambien hacimos casos de criminals y citaciones de traffico y ordenes de aresto.

We also do criminal defense and traffic tickets and we can lift arrest warrants. Call us. Mr. Sharp has represented hundreds of clients and was instrumental in founding the Municipal Justice Bar Association of Dallas.
About Attorney Lawrence D. Sharp
Mr. Sharp has been practicing law in Dallas-Fort Worth since 1986 and has represented hundreds of clients in all sorts of cases from personal injury to traffic tickets and others.
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from Tulane, a Doctor of Ministry from Vanderbilt, and two masters degrees (also from Vanderbilt University) as well as a Bachelor of Arts from Belhaven University.
He was founder of the Municipal Bar Association of Dallas and has served as President 5 times.
On four occasions he organized legal education seminars in Mexico (in Guanajuato and Queretaro).
Rates For Our Legal Services
For personal injury cases you don't pay until the case reaches a settlement or judgment.
We can assist you to find the required medical treatment for your injuries and pain.
You will have to sign a client contract which states the terms.
Call us.
We try to be fair.
Our legal fees range from only $45.00 for seat belt citations for City of Dallas to higher fees for an occupational license, criminal cases, wills, divorce, contracts or other legal documents.
Each case is different, and the fees are also different depending on the situation.
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