We wish every client could hire experts to help his or her case, but they are extremely expensive. Therefore, we have developed intense cross-examination questions that allow us to use the state's witnesses to your benefit. The attorneys at The Kollin Firm, L.L.C. take the time to know our clients, their circumstances, and their expectations. We are
Been pushing yourself at the expense of your body? When times are tough, we help you obtain the Social Security Disability and VA benefits you need to cover expenses and provide for your family. We don't get paid unless you get paid! Those suffering with health problems commonly reach a point where holding down a job is no longer possible. That is where
There is no substitute for highly experienced, insightful and pragmatic representation when you need a lawyer to handle your important legal matter. You need a skilled, experienced attorney with a track record of success in and out of the courtroom. Attorney Douglas G. Houston, the founder of Houston Law Office, LLC, has been serving clients throughout
Divorce, child custody, and other family law matters can be extremely personal and thus emotionally challenging to go through on your own. You need someone with legal experience who you can trust to represent your best interests in court, so that you may emerge from your proceedings feeling confident and ready for your next phase of life.
At Crossman