Talking about an estate, whether you're in the planning phase or trying to settle your loved one's affairs, is always an emotional journey. You're taking stock of life while thinking about death. It's not an easy thing for anyone to do. But having an experienced and compassionate estate planning attorney to guide you through the journey can take some
Serving clients in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, Medicaid planning, and small business law. Practicing law in the greater Triangle area of North Carolina since 1986, Attorney Annette Rhodes of Rhodes Law, PLLC, offers clients a broad base of knowledge and experience. She is attentive to clients' needs and serves them with heart
The Law Office of Terence J. Everitt is a Wake Forest law firm representing and counseling both individuals and businesses. With more than two decades of experience as a litigator, Terence J. Everitt has the knowledge and understanding to provide you with unparalleled legal guidance and representation. Whether you are in need of a skilled trial lawyer
Michael Jacula specializes in consumer bankruptcy, Social Security disability, and consumer law. Michael Jacula has been representing clients in Raleigh, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Henderson, Youngsville and the surrounding area for over a decade. When you're ready to focus on recovery, whether it's physical, emotional or financial, I'm here to help by
You need a compassionate attorney and mediator with the experience to fight for you and your family. We are here for you. Parties who have attorneys typically do not appear in court on the day their divorce is entered; their attorney appears for them in a "summary judgment" proceeding. Spouses who handle the divorce filing themselves, without an attorney