We have been providing our clients with highly personalized, cost-effective, and superior legal services since 2001. Unlike other law firms, our clients are not just numbers to us; we believe that each case has a human face and a story to tell. Every time we handle a case, we give it our very best because we treat each case as if it is our very own
Post a question and get free legal advice direct from our experienced lawyers as soon as possible. I am dedicated solely to representing people who have have been wrongly accused or a crime or need family law representation. The information on this website should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of an attorney client relationship
Our law firm - a team of practitioners with years of successful experience in claims handling, litigation, consumer protection, and advocacy. Our company provides legal services with a few simple goals: to aid clients navigate the deliberate complexities of insurance, to ensure our clients acquire the proper medical treatment, to proactively respond
If you or a family member was injured in a car accident or through the negligence of a doctor or hospital, the consequences can be long term and debilitating. As a Southern California attorney, I've worked with numerous clients involving medical malpractice, personal injury and motor vehicle accidents.
Having practiced on the insurance defense side
The State of California, the County of Los Angeles, and numerous cities within Los Angeles County have implemented moratoriums on certain eviction proceedings which affect the rights of landlords and tenants, particularly concerning the payment of rent and "no fault" evictions. With the myriad policies of the state, county, and cities constantly evolving
If you are facing criminal charges, you need to consult with a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney for a free consultation right now because everything you do today can help your case get resolved favorably for you. Our Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys have a winning track record and that will give you the edge. There are many things that should
DUI Defense and Criminal Defense lawyer Daniel P. Flores has defended well over 2000 DUI and criminal cases throughout Los Angeles, Orange County and Riverside and San Bernardino County. In the state of California, DUI offenses are very serious criminal charges. Depending on the severity, DUI convictions can lead to licensing and financial penalties
If you or a loved one has been in an accident in Los Angeles area our attorney at Law Offices of Michael D. Payne can help. We will fight to protect your interest, deal with insurance companies and work to obtain the maximum compensation for your injuries. We handle all types of personal injury claims, including car and truck accidents, slip and fall